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- HistoryHistory...
- MyopiaMyopia, or nearsightedness, is a common refractive error, and is characterized the bl...
- How to Select the Perfect Size Frame OnlineFinding a frame that fits on the internet isn't always an easy task. A virtual mirror...
- CordsA neck cord is a good and inexpensive way to keep your glasses close at hand (and saf...
- Facebook Voting FunctionMost people like to go shopping with a friend; having that second opinion is nice t...
- $7 Glasses?No, we do not sell a pair of glasses for $7. There are a few other websites that do...
- StrabismusStrabismus, more commonly known as “crossed eyes,” occurs when a person...
- Tips for Relieving Computer StrainLots of people work with a computer every day for their jobs. Studies have shown th...
- Sports VisionSports Vision...