Frames are the most fun, yet the most frustrating part of shopping for new glasses. The look, the fit, the materials, the quality, the color, all these things need to agree with you and your look. We've got lots of information about all these things to help you on your way to the perfect glasses.
Understanding Frame Sizes
Frame size is extremely important when looking for new glasses. This article will help you understand where to find your frame size, why it's important, and how to use it in finding your new glasses.
Frame Materials
Find out about the unique characteristics that each frame material has.
Face Shapes and Glasses
Your face shape has a lot to do with which shape frame looks good on you.
Coloring and Frames
Your skin can have either warm or cool undertones, and these undertones play a big role in which frame colors look best on you.
Differences in Frame Quality
Not every material is appropriate for daily use, which is why we have a "recommended use" indicator for all our frames. Find out more about frame quality in this article.
Brand Names
Learn more about the reason that Visio-Rx does not offer expensive name brands.
Western vs. Chinese Frames
Differences between Western style and Chinese style frames explained.
Poorly Adjusted Glasses
Even opticians can deliver glasses that are poorly adjusted to your face. This article details the mistakes most often found.
Gambling with Reading Glasses
Mass produced reading glasses aren't tailor-made to your face, and can present problems. Read more about reading glasses and how they should fit here.
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